Alkaline Diet Recipes – Apple Ginger Tea

Posted on 11. Jan, 2010 by in Alkaline Recipes

Nowadays, my grandmother often make ginger tea to aid in keeping her body warm and improving her digestive system. She is now over 70 years old and often, she encounters bloatedness. I may be young now, but if you are in your golden years, I’d guess that you would realize that sometimes, your body will be failing you and you would need to be constantly on a healthy diet to prevent any illnesses and discomforts.

The key is a nice and brewing hot cup of apple ginger tea to avail of her bloatedness and arthritis. She will often offer me a bowl of ginger tea and it taste great! No sugar is added but yet there is a tingling subtle sweetness because of the goodness of the apples.

Hence today I thought it would be nice to share with you this recipe and the benefits of ginger. I have done some research on Ginger and hopefully you would benefit from it as well.

The origins of Ginger started in Asia and has now spread to West Africa and Caribbean. I’m from Singapore and from young, my family and many Asian families have been using ginger in our daily lives. The benefits of ginger and how to use them are passed down from generations to generations.

Here are some of the common benefits of ginger:

Ginger is very famous for its ability to relieve nausea. Pregnant women use ginger very often to help them and it is very effective to clear ‘wind’ in the stomach.

For my grandmother, ginger helps her to reduce stomach gas and stimulates digestion. After drinking ginger tea, you will experience a warm cosy feeling in your stomach. It is said that if you drink ginger tea on a very frequent basis, you will build a very strong spleen-stomach system, commonly referred to the “pi-wei” by the Chinese.

Ginger can also help to reduce the symptoms of respiratory conditions, flu, colds and even allergies.

Recipe for the Apple Ginger Tea

3 cloves of old Ginger, sliced
2 apples, cut into 4 pieces
3 cups of boiled water

Mix all the ingredients together and boil until the apples becomes soft. It will take around half an hour before the apples are ready. You will see the apples change color and for a nice apple ginger tea, the juices from the apples need to assimilate with the tea. And you are ready to drink!

You can experiment with the concentration and have a different taste.

Try to drink this every morning and you will find your digestive system improve tremendously.

Do note that you would need to choose old ginger because old ginger are much more effective and potent.

Come back and share with us if this is beneficial to you!

5 Responses to “Alkaline Diet Recipes – Apple Ginger Tea”

  1. avatar


    14. Aug, 2012

    Thank you for this recipe. Now where is the best place to find old ginger?. I intend to try this and pass it on.

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  2. avatar


    05. Jun, 2013

    What exactly is “OLD” Ginger? I’ve never heard of this before. Would an asian market have this?

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  3. avatar

    Marilyn Dubord

    20. Dec, 2013

    I have never heard of cloves of old ginger, what on earth is it?
    I would like to make the tea.

    Our store has fresh ginger that looks like roots.

    Thank you for a reply.

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  4. avatar


    01. Apr, 2016

    do You strain the Tea?

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  5. avatar


    29. Oct, 2017

    Where do you find “old ginger”???

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