Tag Archives: alkaline diet
Acid Alkaline Diet
Posted on26. Mar, 2012 by Lora.
Did you ever wonder about what is in the alkaline diet and how this works in the body? Did it also enter your mind on how this is applied but could not get a grip of what it involves? This article will help you understand the alkaline diet and the implications it has as well […]
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Alkaline Diet Plan
Posted on14. Apr, 2011 by Isabelle Ngin.
For many years, our diets have become more and more acidic due to daily consumption of sugars, caffeine, meat proteins, and processed foods. As a result, our body feels weak, gain weight and become more at risk of acquiring different diseases. Because of this, many nutritionist and health care practitioners have believed that the alkaline […]
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An Interview With Suzanne Le Quesne, Author of The PH Balance Diet: Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight
Posted on08. Feb, 2011 by admin.
We have just conducted a wonderful interview with Suzanne Le Quesne on her perspective of the Alkaline Diet. Before you listen to the interview, just a little introduction about Suzanne, she is a clinical nutritionist from Spain for 18 years and international author of “The pH Balance Diet: Restore your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins […]
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Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss – Truth or Fad?
Posted on05. Feb, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Apple cider vinegar or ACV is another type of vinegar made through fermentation process of apple cider. The yeast and bacteria breaks down the sugar content of apple cider into alcohol and makes it into vinegar. The main ingredients of apple cider vinegar are acetic acid, citric and malic acids, and some citric. What makes […]
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Urine pH – Testing Acidity & Alkalinity of our Body
Posted on20. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
The term pH (potential of hydrogen) refers to a solution if it is acid, neutral or base/alkaline. Scientifically speaking, pH is the amount of hydrogen ions available in a particular solution. Therefore, any solutions can be either acidic H+ions, or it can be alkaline Hydroxyl OH-ions. Using the scale of 0-14, with pH 7 as […]
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Supergreens – Healing Powers
Posted on09. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Do you consume more vegetables on a daily basis? Do you belong to group of people who just eat muffins or cereals for breakfast, heavy sandwiches or meat dominated meal for lunch, and fast food take out for dinner? In short, the great portions of your daily meals are more on fats, carbohydrates and protein- […]
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Water Ionizer – Good Investment for Better Health?
Posted on15. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
One of the most abundant natural resources we have is water. In fact, the 70% of our body is comprised with water and our brain is also composed of 80% water. For this reason, we can never run out of good water in our body system in order to function well. When we say good […]
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Stomach Acid Truths, Myths and Remedies
Posted on08. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
There are so many misconceptions hurling around the diet corner regarding the debate on whether foods can affect the acid alkaline level of the body. There are some people who have stomach acid which only take antacid medication. However, others believe in alkaline diet proponents who are recommending a healthy lifestyle and proper alkaline diet […]
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Discover the Neutralizing Power of Alkaline in Digestion
Posted on14. Sep, 2010 by George Tee.
Alkaline is one of the most helpful agents in keeping the smooth flow of the digestive system. Alkalinity can be associated to quality of life, longevity and health as well. When people hear the word acidity, it denotes sickness that can soon result to death. In order for you to know if you are acidic, […]
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Red Meat Increases Cancer Risk
Posted on24. Apr, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Are you an avid red meat lover? The meat industries are surely delighted to hear that. On the other hand, vegetarians or health conscious may find it sinful to include high fat diet in their healthy lifestyle. Nothing is new when people hear about poor diets linking to various diseases. It sounds like an everyday […]
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Ginseng Helps You Live Longer
Posted on19. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Sometimes, you’ll come at a point where you literally can’t push yourself out of bed just by thinking of the stress and work that you’ll have to endure in the long day ahead. With the hustle and bustle of your daily life, it’s not surprising at all that one specific aspect of your life is […]
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The Caveman Diet vs The Alkaline Diet
Posted on12. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
It seems that modern lifestyle has created for us things that are more damaging that helpful. It’s no wonder why more and more diseases are plaguing mankind by the day. Our surroundings are heavily polluted that our bodies are flooded with toxins. Add to that poor eating habits made available by heavily-processed food items, and […]
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To Eat or Not to Eat Fruits: Baring the Truth about Eating Fruits
Posted on09. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
Have you ever heard of the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? If you have, then you probably think it’s more or less true. That’s the way it has been for many years now: we have been led to think that eating fruits is absolutely good for our health—until recently that […]
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Does Your Meals Make You Tired and Lose Excessive Energy Without You Knowing It
Posted on07. Jan, 2010 by admin.
Are you one of the millions and millions of people who eat the American diet? If you are, then I have bad news for you. A typical American diet is a meat-sweet diet which typically consists of foods with too many calories. This is the dietary pattern being chosen by a lot of people in […]
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Secrets To Stay Alkaline And Healthy During Work
Posted on04. Jan, 2010 by admin.
When work rains, it pours. If you’re working in an office, you probably already know that all too well. In fact, your pile of work to be done can be so overwhelming that you simply can’t leave it for five minutes or so…you’ll just have to wait until your one-hour break, right? Wrong. Starving yourself […]