Tag Archives: natural remedy

Manuka Honey – The Awesome Honey That Heals
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by admin.
“Honey is said to be food of foods, the drink of drinks, and the drug of drugs. It is commonly used to boost the appetite, to strengthen the stomach, to eliminate phlegm, to serve as meat preservative, and to use as hair conditioner, eye comfort and mouthwash” The Book of Sufi Healing Most and foremost, […]
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The Hidden Miracle Malunggay Tree – Treating Hundreds of Diseases
Posted on12. Apr, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
John Hopkins School of Medicine of Baltimore Maryland revealed in a study the nutritional benefits of Moringa Oleifera or known as Malunggay in the Philippines and other regional names such as horseradish tree, benzolive, saijhan and drumstick tree. The intriguing features have been in many research studies for over decades and all of which had […]
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Cordyceps – The Ancient Herbal Remedy
Posted on30. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
Cordyceps. For now, you probably couldn’t care less about what it even is until you find out what it is capable of. Not only is it capable of alkalizing your body, it is also gaining popularity for the recent breakthroughs on research about cordyceps, a few of which include the treatment of cancer and the […]