Tag Archives: Alkaline Diet Tips

Alkaline Diet Plan
Posted on14. Apr, 2011 by Isabelle Ngin.
For many years, our diets have become more and more acidic due to daily consumption of sugars, caffeine, meat proteins, and processed foods. As a result, our body feels weak, gain weight and become more at risk of acquiring different diseases. Because of this, many nutritionist and health care practitioners have believed that the alkaline […]
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Stomach Acid Truths, Myths and Remedies
Posted on08. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
There are so many misconceptions hurling around the diet corner regarding the debate on whether foods can affect the acid alkaline level of the body. There are some people who have stomach acid which only take antacid medication. However, others believe in alkaline diet proponents who are recommending a healthy lifestyle and proper alkaline diet […]
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10 Healthy Alkaline Tips Even If You’re Out!
Posted on07. Jun, 2010 by Emma Deangela.
Wouldn’t it be such a waste if you throw all your efforts at having an alkaline diet with one night out of eating at a fast food joint? Eating out is the single most counterproductive thing that can compromise your alkaline diet. Stopping yourself from eating out, obviously, is not an excellent option. It has […]
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Alkaline Diet Reduces the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Posted on25. Apr, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
There is another interesting discovery that have been published in the Journal Archives of Neurology, which is according to researches done, almost 2,000 dementia-free adults ages 65 years and older whose diet is rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease which affecting more than 26 million people all over […]
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The Hidden Dangers Of Refined Sugar
Posted on07. Feb, 2010 by admin.
We always hear that refined sugar is bad for the health and can cause all sorts of diseases. And yet, refined sugar is still one of the most in demand products anywhere in the world. Obviously, this means that refined sugar isn’t bad enough for people to stop consuming them. In fact, it might even […]
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Can Too Much Alkaline Be Dangerous
Posted on01. Feb, 2010 by admin.
If you’re practically spending a lot of time and effort in alkalizing your body, then at some point, this question must have popped into your mind: is there such a thing as too much alkaline in the body? In theory, having too much alkaline in the body must be as harmful as too much acid. […]
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How Your Cooking Methods Affect Your pH Balance
Posted on28. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
Do you like your vegetables deep-fried or steamed? If you think about it, all three are the same. You’re eating vegetables—nothing could be healthier than that, right? On the contrary, there is a vast difference in these two cooking methods. In your cooking classes, you were probably taught how to do a variety of cooking […]
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Secrets To Stay Alkaline And Healthy During Work
Posted on04. Jan, 2010 by admin.
When work rains, it pours. If you’re working in an office, you probably already know that all too well. In fact, your pile of work to be done can be so overwhelming that you simply can’t leave it for five minutes or so…you’ll just have to wait until your one-hour break, right? Wrong. Starving yourself […]