Archive for 'Alkaline Foods'

Hemp Seeds – A Breakthrough for Natural Protein?
Posted on20. Jul, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
Two thousand years ago, the Romans brought hemp to Britain. Hemp seed, a cannabis sativa, can be farmed with small amount or no fertilizer, and without any need of pesticides. It has all the amino acids and the fatty acids that the body cannot manufacture on its own (of which they are classified as ‘essential’) […]
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Kopi Luwak Coffee – The Healthiest Coffee?
Posted on14. Jul, 2011 by Isabelle Ngin.
You’ve never had a cup of truly rich and strong coffee with an aroma to die for, unless you’ve tried Kopi Luwak coffee. Since the Kopi Luwak has been introduced (even featured in the Oprah Winfrey show!), the demand for this rare and flavorful coffee has been incredible. What makes the Kopi Luwak so talked […]
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Coconut Sugar – Is It Really Healthy?
Posted on07. Jul, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
Staying healthy and looking good is one way of living life to the fullest. A quick review on sugars and how they function in the body is a good way to evaluate if you are in fact staying healthy and not just looking good. About Sugars There is one basic function of sugar in the […]
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Chia Seeds – a Superfood in Your Kitchen?
Posted on15. Jun, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
“Chia” , a word that means strength, is of Mayan origin. Since 2500 BC, these ancient energy-packed seeds which were then more precious than gold, have been a main food for the American Natives. The Southwest Indians would consume nothing but Chia seeds dissolved in water as an energy food, and would traverse the Colorado […]
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Wheatgrass Benefits
Posted on24. Mar, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
For all its widely acclaimed therapeutic benefits, wheatgrass hasn’t totally penetrated its way to the mainstream market just yet. Whether you want to get through a busy day with vigor and enthusiasm or are looking for an alternative way to get rid of a certain health problem, you should definitely look into wheatgrass as a […]
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How To Grow Wheatgrass – Growing Wheatgrass 101
Posted on12. Feb, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Do you know that you can gain your optimal health in a form of simple wheatgrass juice? The liquid sunshine, the ultimate blood purifier, or the nectar of the Gods – that is how they call this powerful wheatgrass as it gained its popularity in diet arena. The vitality you can obtain in wheatgrass juice […]
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Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss – Truth or Fad?
Posted on05. Feb, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Apple cider vinegar or ACV is another type of vinegar made through fermentation process of apple cider. The yeast and bacteria breaks down the sugar content of apple cider into alcohol and makes it into vinegar. The main ingredients of apple cider vinegar are acetic acid, citric and malic acids, and some citric. What makes […]
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Acidic Foods – Classifying Acid Foods
Posted on25. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
If you want to gain the optimal health benefits of alkaline diet, you have to consume at least 80% alkaline-producing foods, while the remaining 20% are acid-producing foods in your daily diet. It’s been reiterated many times how certain acidic foods can produce poison or toxic materials in our internal environment that we need to […]
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Supergreens – Healing Powers
Posted on09. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Do you consume more vegetables on a daily basis? Do you belong to group of people who just eat muffins or cereals for breakfast, heavy sandwiches or meat dominated meal for lunch, and fast food take out for dinner? In short, the great portions of your daily meals are more on fats, carbohydrates and protein- […]
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Wheatgrass Side Effects
Posted on15. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Are you one of those people who have not yet joined the group of wheatgrass enthusiasts? Why not? Do you have any apprehensions regarding of the side effects as caused by combining your diet with wheatgrass? With that concern, it is better that you have a better grasp on the benefits of wheatgrass so that […]
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Garlic Oil Prevents Heart Attack from Diabetes as New Research Claimed
Posted on16. Nov, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
When my grandmother was still alive, she used to ask me for garlic whenever she was experiencing high blood. I find it weird because aside from the fact that garlic is used in cooking which has pungent and strong odor, garlic is also used in fiction to scare vampires. So, all the while, I used […]
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New Health Claims on Ginger
Posted on09. Nov, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Muscle pain is the common complaint due to tension, overwork, or muscle injury from strenuous physical exercises. Most people usually take pain medication, apply soothing cream, or simply rest. Nevertheless, do not put it as simple ache because once the pain persists more than 3 days or more, then it may lead infections like flu […]
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Red Dates a.k.a. Jujube – The Most Favorite Ingredient in Many Cuisines
Posted on13. Oct, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
In life, there are simple questions that would amaze and keep you in wonder. Like for instance, what is the difference between dates and red dates? I was taken aback when a dear friend asked me that simple question. I answered back with uncertainty believing that technically it is the same. Not satisfied with my […]
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Organic Mixed Baby Greens With Dried Cranberries & Walnuts Salad
Posted on01. Oct, 2010 by George Tee.
Most of the time, it is very difficult to eat alkaline, especially with all the junk foods out there. Now, here’s a little tip that you could alkalize your body easily – Eat a bowl of salad before your meal You can easily buy a box of salad in any supermarket like the one on […]
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Soy Lecithin- Good or Bad for the Health?
Posted on30. Sep, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
If you are eating your favorite chocolate, you may take some time to look at the label and notice that soya lecithin appears very often in most product, not only in your chocolates. Who among us who will pay attention to just small details? But come to think of it: are we not somehow responsible […]
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Garlic – Alkaline Superfoods?
Posted on14. Sep, 2010 by George Tee.
Who would have thought that garlic can be a very important crop for human beings despite its small size? Because of its manifold medicinal properties and health benefits, it has been considered a wonder drug by people around the world. This crop belongs to the Allium vegetable family which includes leeks, shallots, chives and onions. […]
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Lentils – The Ideal Superfood
Posted on23. Aug, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Health practitioner Dr. Perricone, one of the regular contributors in, shared to the world his super food list which included beans and lentils on the number four position; and ranked number two on the United States Department of Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid. Therefore, this article will bring to everyone’s attention the reason […]
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Flaxseed Oil Benefits
Posted on01. Aug, 2010 by admin.
Some people may have heard the flaxseed oil, coming from blue flowering plant grown and cultivated in Western Canadian Prairies and derived from flax seeds which oil is taken in natural form without employing chemical process. But of course, many are still not aware of what benefits it can give to us. With this regard, […]
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Olive Oil Benefits, Types and Alternative Uses
Posted on28. Jul, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Olive oil is originated from the Mediterranean, commonly used in beauty products, cooking, and alternative medicine. This famous oil has been part and parcel of lifestyle during ancient times since 3500 BC. Over billion olive trees are cultivated all over the world. Greece is considered one of the largest per capita for highest consumption of […]
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Pumpkin – The Amazing Food
Posted on30. Jun, 2010 by admin.
The most popular material for Jack-O-Lanterns in Halloween season, the favorite ingredient in pies, and the well-known and sought-after vegetable during the fall season is no other than pumpkin. The species is native to Asia but is now cultivated in warm regions of the world. It belongs to the gourd family as well as cantaloupe, […]
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Definitive Explanation To Acid And Alkaline Forming Foods
Posted on17. May, 2010 by Emma Deangela.
With so many articles recommending alkaline diet and laying out the list of highly alkaline to slightly alkaline foods, people are still confuse why some acid food in its nature like lemons and other citrus fruits become highly alkaline. This article will try to give the best explanation as it tries to expose the systematic […]
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Lady Fingers’ Health Benefits And How It Alkalize The Body
Posted on03. May, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Many people are lured with the superficial presentation of food without bothering to know if this can contribute some benefits from their health. There are also health conscious people who are opted to eat the food which is best for them, regardless of what it looks and tastes like. The green slimy soft-stemmed texture, elongated […]
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Dragon Fruits – An Exotic Fruit for your Alkalizing Needs
Posted on20. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Its appearance alone is enough to rouse your curiosity. On the outside, it has a pinkish and somewhat red color. When you finally take a bite of its juicy goodness, you can see a tasty combination of white with tiny dotted black seeds. The taste? Not only will it create a whirling sensation in your […]
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Ginseng Helps You Live Longer
Posted on19. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Sometimes, you’ll come at a point where you literally can’t push yourself out of bed just by thinking of the stress and work that you’ll have to endure in the long day ahead. With the hustle and bustle of your daily life, it’s not surprising at all that one specific aspect of your life is […]
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Insightful Trip To Organic Farm
Posted on12. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Over the last weekend, I went for a trip to an organic farm to find out more about organic farming, health and dieting. This was a 3-day 2-night workshop and the organizers gave us a real-packed and fruitful learning experience. This organic farm is called TitiEco Farm Resort and it is located in Negeri Sembilan, […]
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Cordyceps – The Ancient Herbal Remedy
Posted on30. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
Cordyceps. For now, you probably couldn’t care less about what it even is until you find out what it is capable of. Not only is it capable of alkalizing your body, it is also gaining popularity for the recent breakthroughs on research about cordyceps, a few of which include the treatment of cancer and the […]
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Lingzhi – Your Road to Immortal Health
Posted on26. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
Numerous people have shifted to natural alternatives in treating certain diseases or simply maintaining a good health. Either way, the herbal industry is living up to its name as an effective medical substitute to its chemical counterpart. One of the most effective herbal medicines is the Lingzhi mushroom. It is also known as Reishi, or […]
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Alkaline Avocados – Superfoods You Should Eat
Posted on25. Mar, 2010 by admin.
They’re green, they’re soft, and they’re perfect for your body. That’s what avocados are—and more. Avocados aren’t exactly the most popular fruit. As a matter of fact, a lot of people stay away from it because of its high fat content. What they don’t realize is that the avocado alone contains an overwhelming amount of […]
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The Ampalaya – Sugar Kills But Bitter Cures?
Posted on23. Mar, 2010 by Isabelle Ngin.
If bitterness means remedies to any pain, I would have swallowed all the bitterness of life. On the contrary, only the distinctive astringent taste of Momordica Charantia L. Amargoso can possibly eases several ailments. Bitter gourd, bitter melon or Ampalaya as many prefers to call it has the natural weapon to prevent numerous diseases. A […]
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Chlorella and Spirulina – The Superfoods
Posted on26. Jan, 2010 by Isabelle Ngin.
Many health experts are now recognizing the importance of algae-related plants including super foods to a person’s diet. Two of the most well established super foods are chlorella and spirulina. These algae-related plants can be found in fresh water areas like ponds and lakes. They are considered “super foods” or the best food in the […]