Tag Archives: superfoods

Garlic Oil Prevents Heart Attack from Diabetes as New Research Claimed
Posted on16. Nov, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
When my grandmother was still alive, she used to ask me for garlic whenever she was experiencing high blood. I find it weird because aside from the fact that garlic is used in cooking which has pungent and strong odor, garlic is also used in fiction to scare vampires. So, all the while, I used […]
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Garlic – Alkaline Superfoods?
Posted on14. Sep, 2010 by George Tee.
Who would have thought that garlic can be a very important crop for human beings despite its small size? Because of its manifold medicinal properties and health benefits, it has been considered a wonder drug by people around the world. This crop belongs to the Allium vegetable family which includes leeks, shallots, chives and onions. […]
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Lentils – The Ideal Superfood
Posted on23. Aug, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Health practitioner Dr. Perricone, one of the regular contributors in Oprah.com, shared to the world his super food list which included beans and lentils on the number four position; and ranked number two on the United States Department of Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid. Therefore, this article will bring to everyone’s attention the reason […]
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Dragon Fruits – An Exotic Fruit for your Alkalizing Needs
Posted on20. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Its appearance alone is enough to rouse your curiosity. On the outside, it has a pinkish and somewhat red color. When you finally take a bite of its juicy goodness, you can see a tasty combination of white with tiny dotted black seeds. The taste? Not only will it create a whirling sensation in your […]
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Chlorella and Spirulina – The Superfoods
Posted on26. Jan, 2010 by Isabelle Ngin.
Many health experts are now recognizing the importance of algae-related plants including super foods to a person’s diet. Two of the most well established super foods are chlorella and spirulina. These algae-related plants can be found in fresh water areas like ponds and lakes. They are considered “super foods” or the best food in the […]