Tag Archives: alkaline tips

Urine pH – Testing Acidity & Alkalinity of our Body
Posted on20. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
The term pH (potential of hydrogen) refers to a solution if it is acid, neutral or base/alkaline. Scientifically speaking, pH is the amount of hydrogen ions available in a particular solution. Therefore, any solutions can be either acidic H+ions, or it can be alkaline Hydroxyl OH-ions. Using the scale of 0-14, with pH 7 as […]
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Supergreens – Healing Powers
Posted on09. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Do you consume more vegetables on a daily basis? Do you belong to group of people who just eat muffins or cereals for breakfast, heavy sandwiches or meat dominated meal for lunch, and fast food take out for dinner? In short, the great portions of your daily meals are more on fats, carbohydrates and protein- […]
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Water Ionizer – Good Investment for Better Health?
Posted on15. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
One of the most abundant natural resources we have is water. In fact, the 70% of our body is comprised with water and our brain is also composed of 80% water. For this reason, we can never run out of good water in our body system in order to function well. When we say good […]
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10 Healthy Alkaline Tips Even If You’re Out!
Posted on07. Jun, 2010 by Emma Deangela.
Wouldn’t it be such a waste if you throw all your efforts at having an alkaline diet with one night out of eating at a fast food joint? Eating out is the single most counterproductive thing that can compromise your alkaline diet. Stopping yourself from eating out, obviously, is not an excellent option. It has […]