Tag Archives: acidic foods

Acidic Foods – Classifying Acid Foods
Posted on25. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
If you want to gain the optimal health benefits of alkaline diet, you have to consume at least 80% alkaline-producing foods, while the remaining 20% are acid-producing foods in your daily diet. It’s been reiterated many times how certain acidic foods can produce poison or toxic materials in our internal environment that we need to […]
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The Hidden Dangers Of Refined Sugar
Posted on07. Feb, 2010 by admin.
We always hear that refined sugar is bad for the health and can cause all sorts of diseases. And yet, refined sugar is still one of the most in demand products anywhere in the world. Obviously, this means that refined sugar isn’t bad enough for people to stop consuming them. In fact, it might even […]