Archive for 'Alkaline Diet Tips'

6 Chlorophyll Benefits & Healing Powers
Posted on06. Jul, 2013 by Emma Deangela.
During our science class, we are very much aware of what chlorophyll is – they are responsible for the green pigment in plants. Chlorophyll absorbs energy from the sun and facilitates photosynthesis in plants. Its unique ability to convert the energy of the sun through photosynthesis is used to make carbohydrates from water and carbon […]
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Hormones in Milk
Posted on17. Mar, 2013 by Emma Deangela.
Most American children today wake up to a glass of warm milk or a bowl of cereals with generous amount of the white liquid. From our ancestors’ time until now, kids have been drinking up milk on a daily basis, believed to be the complete food perfect for growing kids to ensure strong bones and […]
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5 Healthy Valentines Day Tips
Posted on14. Feb, 2012 by Lora.
It’s happy hearts’ day and ladies couldn’t help having their heart all a-flutter over the excitement of what their sweethearts have prepared for them. Valentine’s day is simply relishing on the fact that you have somebody to laugh with, to cry with, share your thoughts with, dream with, and enjoy life with. It’s a time […]
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3 Christmas Health & Fat Loss Strategies
Posted on23. Dec, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
With Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year, all happening around the corner, I’ve put up a list of 3 different strategies that you can use to control weight gain and protect your health. Strategy #1: Don’t Overeat The holiday party is going to be really exciting, with lots of foods set up on the table, […]
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Turmeric Could Have Saved Steve Jobs From Pancreatic Cancer
Posted on04. Nov, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
The seven-years battle Steve Jobs had with pancreatic cancer is now over and yet the whole world mourned with his death. Although he lived for years after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, many health experts believe that he could have lived longer. A doctor from Harvard University recalled that when Steve Jobs was diagnosed with […]
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Natural Health Audio Series #2
Posted on27. Oct, 2011 by admin.
Announcement: This is Natural Health Training Program dedicated to friends and valued subscribers. Natural Health Audio Series #2 “The Health Secrets of Water That Boost Your Health and Increase Your Energy” healthsecretsofwateraudioprogram.mp3 (Enjoy your free audio training series. Feel free to share with your friends. To play the audio, simply press the play button above.) […]
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Does Green Tea Have Caffeine?
Posted on30. Aug, 2011 by Isabelle Ngin.
Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, applied to heat either by cooking or steaming ( instead of fermenting) to minimize oxidation. The components of green tea catechins ( antioxidants) are very unique and contain concentrated epigallocatechin-3-gallate, better well known as EGCG. It is popular for its myriad health benefits […]
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“Alkalize or Die” by Dr. Theodore A. Baroody Review
Posted on18. Aug, 2011 by Lora.
I came from a family of “happy eaters”. You know the kind where every meal is like a party and people eat and talk at the same time. We ate a lot and talked a lot during meals. Maybe because we were a big family, that’s why. Anyway, by the time I was 17, I […]
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Adjusting Your Taste Buds – Change to revitalize Your Health
Posted on12. Aug, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
Americans nowadays are conditioned to consume processed foods from the moment of birth. From infant formula, babies are then given bottled baby food. Then they graduate to snacks and sodas and so on. This may be the result of our fast lifestyle. We are so in a rush that we have no time to prepare […]
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Alkaline Diet Plan
Posted on14. Apr, 2011 by Isabelle Ngin.
For many years, our diets have become more and more acidic due to daily consumption of sugars, caffeine, meat proteins, and processed foods. As a result, our body feels weak, gain weight and become more at risk of acquiring different diseases. Because of this, many nutritionist and health care practitioners have believed that the alkaline […]
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Cholesterol Lowering Foods
Posted on07. Apr, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
Have you done any research on your cholesterol level and how to lower it lately? If you just did, your mind is probably still hazy and confused about what you ought to really do and how you really should adjust your diet to lower your cholesterol. That’s perfectly understandable, inasmuch as the information on the […]
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Wheatgrass Benefits
Posted on24. Mar, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
For all its widely acclaimed therapeutic benefits, wheatgrass hasn’t totally penetrated its way to the mainstream market just yet. Whether you want to get through a busy day with vigor and enthusiasm or are looking for an alternative way to get rid of a certain health problem, you should definitely look into wheatgrass as a […]
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Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits
Posted on02. Mar, 2011 by Emma Deangela.
Apple cider vinegar has been used since the time immemorial as one of the best alternative medicines for different ailments. In fact, during the time of Hippocrates, he was using this vinegar as antibiotic. The fermentation of apple cider is the process of breaking down the sugar component of apple cider. The responsible in breaking […]
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Alkaline Water Teleseminar Recording
Posted on17. Feb, 2011 by admin.
Just recently, we have organized and invited Alkaline Water experts to share with you a teleseminar on Alkaline Water! Listeners had the opportunities to be more informed about our drinking water, the benefits of Alkaline Water and how Alkaline Water can benefit our health. And for those of you who missed the teleseminar, we have […]
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An Interview With Suzanne Le Quesne, Author of The PH Balance Diet: Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight
Posted on08. Feb, 2011 by admin.
We have just conducted a wonderful interview with Suzanne Le Quesne on her perspective of the Alkaline Diet. Before you listen to the interview, just a little introduction about Suzanne, she is a clinical nutritionist from Spain for 18 years and international author of “The pH Balance Diet: Restore your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins […]
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Apple Cider Vinegar Weight Loss – Truth or Fad?
Posted on05. Feb, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Apple cider vinegar or ACV is another type of vinegar made through fermentation process of apple cider. The yeast and bacteria breaks down the sugar content of apple cider into alcohol and makes it into vinegar. The main ingredients of apple cider vinegar are acetic acid, citric and malic acids, and some citric. What makes […]
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Urine pH – Testing Acidity & Alkalinity of our Body
Posted on20. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
The term pH (potential of hydrogen) refers to a solution if it is acid, neutral or base/alkaline. Scientifically speaking, pH is the amount of hydrogen ions available in a particular solution. Therefore, any solutions can be either acidic H+ions, or it can be alkaline Hydroxyl OH-ions. Using the scale of 0-14, with pH 7 as […]
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Supergreens – Healing Powers
Posted on09. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Do you consume more vegetables on a daily basis? Do you belong to group of people who just eat muffins or cereals for breakfast, heavy sandwiches or meat dominated meal for lunch, and fast food take out for dinner? In short, the great portions of your daily meals are more on fats, carbohydrates and protein- […]
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The pH Balance in the Body and its Implication to Health
Posted on27. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
We have priorities for survival as we need to breathe and sustain our heartbeat. Hence, the metabolic function has to maintain the specific pH which most of the time, we always take advantage of the pH level. We never realize that it is the most essential balance systems that our body has to maintain. The […]
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Kangen Water – Health Benefits, Facts & Myths
Posted on22. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
It is no longer a secret how an ordinary tap water can achieve its alkalinity level by using water ionizer. We all have the access to information regarding the electrolysis process of making alkaline water so that people will no longer be grasping in the dark to know certain information that still puzzles many. The […]
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Water Ionizer – Good Investment for Better Health?
Posted on15. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
One of the most abundant natural resources we have is water. In fact, the 70% of our body is comprised with water and our brain is also composed of 80% water. For this reason, we can never run out of good water in our body system in order to function well. When we say good […]
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Stomach Acid Truths, Myths and Remedies
Posted on08. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
There are so many misconceptions hurling around the diet corner regarding the debate on whether foods can affect the acid alkaline level of the body. There are some people who have stomach acid which only take antacid medication. However, others believe in alkaline diet proponents who are recommending a healthy lifestyle and proper alkaline diet […]
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Is Alkaline Water Good for You?
Posted on24. Nov, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
There are islands of information available everywhere reiterating the importance of acid-alkaline balance as the starting point for a proper health. The main reason is that the pH level of the blood and the internal fluids can greatly affect every single cell in our body. Otherwise, we know basically the implication if chronic acidity totally […]
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Organic Mixed Baby Greens With Dried Cranberries & Walnuts Salad
Posted on01. Oct, 2010 by George Tee.
Most of the time, it is very difficult to eat alkaline, especially with all the junk foods out there. Now, here’s a little tip that you could alkalize your body easily – Eat a bowl of salad before your meal You can easily buy a box of salad in any supermarket like the one on […]
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The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health Review
Posted on16. Sep, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
People are in an endless journey to look for better ways to restore their health, live a long life, and recover fast from illnesses. Along the way, we find islands of information that can serve as our guide toward the right path toward health restoration. Then, we separate ways from our different views on wellness, […]
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Discover the Neutralizing Power of Alkaline in Digestion
Posted on14. Sep, 2010 by George Tee.
Alkaline is one of the most helpful agents in keeping the smooth flow of the digestive system. Alkalinity can be associated to quality of life, longevity and health as well. When people hear the word acidity, it denotes sickness that can soon result to death. In order for you to know if you are acidic, […]
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The Hidden Dangers of Hormones in Vegetables and Meat
Posted on02. Sep, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Most consumers are lured with bigger and fresher look of vegetables and fruits without knowing the hidden harmful effects behind the accelerating and instantaneous ripening of these crops. Yet, many nutritionists and health experts around the world are alarmed on the implications of these crops and even meats injected with hormones on human health. Hormones […]
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The Hidden Risks on Dietary Oil
Posted on31. Aug, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Most of the time, consumers are deceived by manufacturers. Ironically, many products are packaged and marketed with many health benefits and people are blinded with the hidden truth that lies on the misleading and newfangled ingredients on the label. Like for instance, there are types of dietary oil that are not for human consumption but […]
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How Long Does It Take To Digest Meat
Posted on30. Aug, 2010 by Emma Deangela.
What is interesting about digestion process that people may not hear before is the different rate of digestion that may depend on the various elements of food. Carbohydrates come first and the easiest to digest, while meats and fats take the longest to clear on our digestive system. Therefore, this piece of writing will bring […]
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Vegetable And Fruits Wash – How to Wash Pesticides Away?
Posted on15. Aug, 2010 by admin.
Do you know where your fruits and vegetables have been or how they were grown? Surely, if those were produced in farm covered in herbicides and pesticides used in conventional agriculture, there are still chemicals left on your food, unless you preferred organic produce for your safe consumption. Nevertheless, for consumers who are satisfied with […]