Tag Archives: pH exercise

Tai Chi – Wonders & Health Benefits of Tai Chi
Posted on13. Jan, 2011 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
Originally, tai chi was developed in China as the form of self-defense and just evolved into a form of exercise in later years as best used for stress reduction. The art if tai chi is the use of gentle flowing movements that is said beneficial to reduce the stress as the main cause of busy […]
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Aerobic or Anaerobic – Which One Maintains Body’s Ph Balance?
Posted on21. May, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen.
To maintain the acid-alkaline equilibrium of the body, aside from the proper nutrition, exercise can sustain and restore the ph balance of tissues, blood and cellular fluids. However, it is important to know which type of exercise is good for restoring the body’s ph balance: either aerobic or anaerobic work out. This article attempts to […]