Archive by Author

Natural Health Audio Series #2
Posted on27. Oct, 2011 by admin.
Announcement: This is Natural Health Training Program dedicated to friends and valued subscribers. Natural Health Audio Series #2 “The Health Secrets of Water That Boost Your Health and Increase Your Energy” healthsecretsofwateraudioprogram.mp3 (Enjoy your free audio training series. Feel free to share with your friends. To play the audio, simply press the play button above.) […]
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Safflower Oil – Uses, Benefits & Weight Loss
Posted on20. Apr, 2011 by admin.
What is Safflower? According to the National Agricultural Research Institute, the safflower or carthamus tinctorius is a member of the Asteraceae and Compostiae family. It is a native plant that is said to be originated in North Africa, India, and Iran. The plant usually grows about 1 meter or 3 feet tall that is accompanied […]
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Natural Food Coloring
Posted on20. Apr, 2011 by admin.
Kids, and even adults, get tempted by delicious foods. And the first point of contact to “assess” the tastiness of the food? – visual impact! Needless to say, a little color will spice up the appearance and even subconsciously the taste of the food. But I bet that there’s a certain level of resistance to […]
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Oven Roasted Ratatouille Recipe
Posted on18. Mar, 2011 by admin.
Today, we are sharing with you this wonderful Ratatouille recipe. Do you still remember the animation movie Ratatouille? This is the same delicious dish which is made up of yummy vegetables. With the right mix of herbs, even a meat eater would find that this is an irresistible healthful delight. Try this recipe out and […]
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Alkaline Water Teleseminar Recording
Posted on17. Feb, 2011 by admin.
Just recently, we have organized and invited Alkaline Water experts to share with you a teleseminar on Alkaline Water! Listeners had the opportunities to be more informed about our drinking water, the benefits of Alkaline Water and how Alkaline Water can benefit our health. And for those of you who missed the teleseminar, we have […]
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An Interview With Suzanne Le Quesne, Author of The PH Balance Diet: Restore Your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins and Lose Weight
Posted on08. Feb, 2011 by admin.
We have just conducted a wonderful interview with Suzanne Le Quesne on her perspective of the Alkaline Diet. Before you listen to the interview, just a little introduction about Suzanne, she is a clinical nutritionist from Spain for 18 years and international author of “The pH Balance Diet: Restore your Acid-Alkaline Levels to Eliminate Toxins […]
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An Interview with Felicia Drury Kilment, author of Acid Alkaline Balance Diet: An Innovative Program for Ridding Your Body of Acidic Wastes
Posted on28. Jan, 2011 by admin.
We have just conducted the interview with Felicia Drury Kilment, author of “Acid Alkaline Balance Diet: An Innovative Program for Ridding Your Body of Acidic Wastes”, over a telephone interview. If you have contributed in our questions, you can probably catch some of your questions in this interview. Enjoy this interview and if you have […]
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Top 5 Foods that Fight Abdominal Fat
Posted on17. Jan, 2011 by admin.
It’s been a great start for 2011! What are your goals for the year 2011? Is it a better health, great looking body, and maybe a well-trained abs? If you are working towards great looking abs, we have something special for you guys. Today we have Mike Geary (Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Nutrition Specialist) […]
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Vegetable And Fruits Wash – How to Wash Pesticides Away?
Posted on15. Aug, 2010 by admin.
Do you know where your fruits and vegetables have been or how they were grown? Surely, if those were produced in farm covered in herbicides and pesticides used in conventional agriculture, there are still chemicals left on your food, unless you preferred organic produce for your safe consumption. Nevertheless, for consumers who are satisfied with […]
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Flaxseed Oil Benefits
Posted on01. Aug, 2010 by admin.
Some people may have heard the flaxseed oil, coming from blue flowering plant grown and cultivated in Western Canadian Prairies and derived from flax seeds which oil is taken in natural form without employing chemical process. But of course, many are still not aware of what benefits it can give to us. With this regard, […]
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Brown Rice – Non-Organic May Not Be A Good Choice
Posted on22. Jul, 2010 by admin.
Rice is the most consumed staple food in any household settings. There are different variety of rice but we are only focusing on white rice and brown rice. In history, brown rice is linked with poverty and wartime. This is considered a peasant food or animal food to most people living in ancient years. Rice […]
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Manuka Honey – The Awesome Honey That Heals
Posted on12. Jul, 2010 by admin.
“Honey is said to be food of foods, the drink of drinks, and the drug of drugs. It is commonly used to boost the appetite, to strengthen the stomach, to eliminate phlegm, to serve as meat preservative, and to use as hair conditioner, eye comfort and mouthwash” The Book of Sufi Healing Most and foremost, […]
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Pumpkin – The Amazing Food
Posted on30. Jun, 2010 by admin.
The most popular material for Jack-O-Lanterns in Halloween season, the favorite ingredient in pies, and the well-known and sought-after vegetable during the fall season is no other than pumpkin. The species is native to Asia but is now cultivated in warm regions of the world. It belongs to the gourd family as well as cantaloupe, […]
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Alkaline Avocados – Superfoods You Should Eat
Posted on25. Mar, 2010 by admin.
They’re green, they’re soft, and they’re perfect for your body. That’s what avocados are—and more. Avocados aren’t exactly the most popular fruit. As a matter of fact, a lot of people stay away from it because of its high fat content. What they don’t realize is that the avocado alone contains an overwhelming amount of […]
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The Best Juicer to Get the Most out of your Fruits and Vegetables
Posted on15. Feb, 2010 by admin.
A good of source of alkaline diet are fruits and vegetables. Acidity levels are abundantly found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. In fact, they are the highest sources of alkaline among the food groups of meats, poultry, nuts, cereals, and dairy, which are common fare for the average human being. But for most […]
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The Hidden Dangers Of Refined Sugar
Posted on07. Feb, 2010 by admin.
We always hear that refined sugar is bad for the health and can cause all sorts of diseases. And yet, refined sugar is still one of the most in demand products anywhere in the world. Obviously, this means that refined sugar isn’t bad enough for people to stop consuming them. In fact, it might even […]
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Can Too Much Alkaline Be Dangerous
Posted on01. Feb, 2010 by admin.
If you’re practically spending a lot of time and effort in alkalizing your body, then at some point, this question must have popped into your mind: is there such a thing as too much alkaline in the body? In theory, having too much alkaline in the body must be as harmful as too much acid. […]
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Does Your Meals Make You Tired and Lose Excessive Energy Without You Knowing It
Posted on07. Jan, 2010 by admin.
Are you one of the millions and millions of people who eat the American diet? If you are, then I have bad news for you. A typical American diet is a meat-sweet diet which typically consists of foods with too many calories. This is the dietary pattern being chosen by a lot of people in […]
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Secrets To Stay Alkaline And Healthy During Work
Posted on04. Jan, 2010 by admin.
When work rains, it pours. If you’re working in an office, you probably already know that all too well. In fact, your pile of work to be done can be so overwhelming that you simply can’t leave it for five minutes or so…you’ll just have to wait until your one-hour break, right? Wrong. Starving yourself […]