Tag Archives: pH level

What Is Your Pee Telling You?
Posted on28. Mar, 2010 by Emma Deangela.
Before now, you’ve probably never given notice to your urine. In your mind, it’s probably one of those things you have to get done and over with. Perhaps you’re even guilty of holding it back for as long as you can take, especially when there are no restrooms in the area. But are you aware […]
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Secrets To Stay Alkaline And Healthy During Work
Posted on04. Jan, 2010 by admin.
When work rains, it pours. If you’re working in an office, you probably already know that all too well. In fact, your pile of work to be done can be so overwhelming that you simply can’t leave it for five minutes or so…you’ll just have to wait until your one-hour break, right? Wrong. Starving yourself […]