Wheatgrass Side Effects
Posted on 15. Dec, 2010 by Staff Writer Candy Del Carmen in Alkaline Foods
Are you one of those people who have not yet joined the group of wheatgrass enthusiasts? Why not? Do you have any apprehensions regarding of the side effects as caused by combining your diet with wheatgrass? With that concern, it is better that you have a better grasp on the benefits of wheatgrass so that you can change your mindset and shift your diet into a healthy one. It will not cause any harm if you would take some time to understand the changes it can bring into your life once you have tried the most powerful detoxifier, no other than the wheatgrass.
Benefits of Wheatgrass
One of the highly acclaimed green foods, the wheatgrass, is really valued due to its ultimate source of essential nutrients. The highest percentage of the juice contains chlorophyll as commonly referred to “the blood of plant life”. Wheatgrass also consists of 17 amino acids – known as the building blocks of protein. These amino acids are meant for repairing cells, building muscle tissues, and clotting the blood. It can retain the minerals found in soil including phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. The vitamins it contains are Vitamin A, B complex, E and K.
To know how this chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals can increase our body’s resistance against any illnesses, here are some of the endless benefits this mighty wheatgrass can bring into your life.
- It is widely known that wheatgrass is used as alternative cancer therapy as it increases red blood cells, the chief responsible in carrying out oxygen to every cell. The increased oxygenation can help to offset the carbon monoxide and increases the endurance of an individual. It can also produce immunization against dietary carcinogens. Likewise, wheatgrass can also boost the important enzymes we need to rejuvenate the body and metabolize the nutrients properly. These enzymes are also in charge in dissolving the tumors.
- Wheatgrass can dissolve the scars in the lungs and helps to wash out drug deposits from our body. The power of wheatgrass to purify the organs, tissues, and blood can counteract toxins and acids.
- Not only that, our bones, glands, kidneys, liver, spleen, muscles, hair, and many of our body parts can also benefit from wheatgrass. Other people even use it to clean their gums, eyes, sinuses and teeth. The chlorophyll serves as an excellent purifier that can refresh breath and treats bad odor.
- Wheatgrass can aid in losing weight as it stimulates metabolism, circulation and suppresses the appetite. The high fiber content of wheatgrass is crucial in waste elimination and flushes out the accumulated waste products in the body system. Due to its high saponin (metabolites present in natural sources) compound, it carries away thousands of toxins from the body cells. Wheatgrass is indeed the best detoxifier because it increases the elimination of crystallized acids, hardened mucous, and some decaying faecal matter.
The Mild Side Effects of Wheatgrass
The side effects of wheatgrass, in general, are very mild. Besides detoxification, some people feel nauseous if they drank it after meal. That is why it is recommended that it should be taken on an empty stomach, and not with or after a meal. An hour before eating can do, in order to assimilate well the wheatgrass in your digestive tract.
Moreover, the manifestation of wheatgrass to some people is allergic reactions in the form of breathing problems, skin rashes and swelling of the mouth. If you are allergic to molds, then you may avoid taking the wheatgrass. Even though wheatgrass is prone to non-pathogenic and harmless molds, you may avoid wheatgrass for allergic reactions, or consult your doctor regarding this matter so you can seek for medical advice.
However, many dieters disputed the fact that wheatgrass have side effects after all; the detoxification effect is just normal occurrence when our body tries to remove the unwanted toxins like bad fats, heavy metals, metabolic waste, carcinogens, and all the impurities of our body. The excretion of the aforesaid toxins can cause the nauseous side effect or headache to some people. Nevertheless, the detoxification is not long lasting and usually subsides after removal of the toxins.
Nonetheless, since the endless benefits of wheatgrass are no longer a secret. Knowing what maybe the side effect if you are about to take the wheatgrass with your diet is important. With that regard, you can minimize the unwanted discomfort it may cause you. Lastly, the curative properties of wheatgrass are undisputed and substantiated in scientific literature as it really promotes general well-being from heavy metal detoxification to cancer prevention.
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