Alkaline Foods List

Detailed and Comprehensive Acid Alkaline Foods Chart pH Ratings

5 Steps to Boost Your Health & Body with Our Alkaline Foods Chart

1) When you are preparing the foods for a meal, look at a particular category of the foods and select more foods in the alkaline category.

2) This alkaline food chart is only accurate for certain state of the foods. For example, cooked lettuce has a different pH value compared to a boiled lettuce.

3) The food chart is based on a number of acid alkaline food chart, nutritionists, and doctors. If you find a conflict with other alkaline food charts, sign up for our newsletters you’ll discover the alkaline principles behind these differences.

4) This alkaline food chart is based on the “residue” or “ash” of the foods after it has been digested in the stomach. That is why you will find lemon is categorized under alkaline and not acidic.

5) Bookmark this page and come back to this page whenever you need. Share this page with your friends in Facebook or where you go if you think your friends would love this chart too. If you like a printable version, scroll down to the bottom of the page and there’s a link for you to download the printable version of the chart.


Acidic Fruits & Alkaline Fruits
Mildly Acidic
Highly Alkaline
Blueberry Acai Berry Apple Apricot Avocado
Blueberry Acai Berry Apple Apricot Avocado
Sweet Cherry Banana Black Currant Blackberries Figs
Sweet Cherry Banana Black Currant Blackberries Figs
Canned Tomatoes Cantaloupe Tart Cherry Coconut Goji Berries
Canned Tomatoes Cantaloupe Tart Cherry Coconut Goji Berries
  Cranberry Dates Dragon Fruit Kiwi
  Cranberry Dates Dragon Fruit Kiwi
  Dried Figs Yellow Plum Gooseberry Lemons
  Dried Figs Yellow Plum Gooseberry Lemons
  Grapefruit Grapes Italian Plum Limes
  Grapefruit Grapes Italian Plum Limes
  Mandarin Orange Mango Nectarine  
  Mandarin Orange Mango Nectarine  
  Orange Papaya Peach  
  Orange Papaya Peach  
  Pear Pineapple Pomegranate  
  Pear Pineapple Pomegranate  
  Raspberry Red Currant Rose Hips  
  Raspberry Red Currant Rose Hips  
  Strawberry Tangerine Tomato  
  Strawberry Tangerine Tomato  
  Tangerine Watermelon    
  Tangerine Watermelon    
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Highly Alkaline
Bulgar Rice Barley Basmati Rice Amaranth  
Bulgar Rice Barley Basmati Rice Amaranth  
Corn Brown Rice Kamut Barley Grass  
Corn Brown Rice Kamut Barley Grass  
Pasta Oat Spelt Buckwheat  
Pasta Oat Spelt Buckwheat  
Wheat     Quinoa  
Wheat     Quinoa  
White Rice     Wild Rice  
White Rice     Wild Rice  
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Black Bean Chickpeas Lentils Lima Beans Green Beans
Black Bean Chickpeas Lentils Lima Beans Green Beans
Kidney Beans   Mung Beans Navy Beans Soy Lecithin
Kidney Beans   Mung Beans Navy Beans Soy Lecithin
    Pinto Beans Red Beans Sprouted Beans
    Pinto Beans Red Beans Sprouted Beans
    Soy Beans White Bean  
    Soy Beans White Bean  
Mildy Alkaline
Highly Alkaline
Canned Vegetables Basil Artichokes Bok Choy Alfalfa
Canned Vegetables Basil Artichokes Bok Choy Alfalfa
Cooked Vegetables Bell Peppers Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Broccoli
Cooked Vegetables (All) Bell Peppers Brussels Sprouts Cabbage Broccoli
Frozen Vegetables Cauliflower Cayenne Pepper Celery Cucumber
Frozen Vegetables Cauliflower Cayenne Pepper Celery Cucumber
Pickled Vegetables Chives Cliantro Comfrey Dandelion
Pickled Vegetables Chives Cliantro Comfrey Dandelion
Sauerkraut Lamb’s Lettuce Black Currant Garlic Dog Grass
Sauerkraut Lamb's Lettuce Endive (Fresh) Garlic Dog Grass
  Onions Lettuce Mustard Greens Kale
  Onion Lettuce Mustard Greens Kale
  Parsnips Oregano Peppers Kamut Grass
  Parsnips Oregano Peppers Kamut Grass
  Peas Pumpkins Red Cabbage Shave Grass
  Peas (Fresh) Pumpkins Red Cabbage Shave Grass
  Rhubarb Stalks Savoy Cabbage Sorrel Soy Sprouts
  Rhubarb Stalks Savoy Cabbage Sorrel Soy Sprouts
  Squash Spinach Tomatoes Sprouted Seeds
  Squash Spinach Tomatoes (Raw) Sprouted Seeds (All)
  Thyme     Thyme
  Thyme     Wheat Grass
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Highly Alkaline
Carrot Kohlrabi Potato Ginseng Ginger
Carrot Kohlrabi Potato Ginseng Ginger
Rutabaga Sweet Potatoes Turnip Beetroot Jicama
Rutabaga Sweet Potatoes Turnip Beetroot Jicama
White Radish Yams   Red Radish Black Radish
White Radish Yams Red Radish Black Radish
Nuts & Seeds
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Peanut Butter Brazil Nuts Almonds Almond Butter Pine Nuts
Peanut Butter Brazil Nuts Almonds Almond Butter (Raw) Pine Nuts (Raw)
Peanuts Cashews Caraway Seeds Cumin Seeds Fennel Seeds
Peanuts Cashews Caraway Seeds Cumin Seeds Fennel Seeds
Pistachios Hazelnut Sesame Seeds Flax Seeds Pumpkin Seeds
Pistachios Hazelnut Sesame Seeds Flax Seeds Pumpkin Seeds
Pecans Macadamia Nuts Sunflower Seeds    
Pecans Macadamia Nuts Sunflower Seeds
Chestnuts Nutmeg      
Chestnuts Nutmeg    
Wheat Kernel Walnuts      
Wheat Kernel
Sweets & Sweeteners
Highly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Artificial Sweeteners Brown Rice Syrup Agave Nectar Barley Malt Syrup Blackstrap Molasses
Artificial Sweeteners Brown Rice Syrup Agave Nectar Barley Malt Syrup Blackstrap Molasses
Beet Sugar Chocolates Honey Maple Syrup Stevia
Beet Sugar Chocolates Honey Maple Syrup Stevia
Corn Syrup Sugarcane      
Corn Syrup Sugarcane      
Sugar (White) Saccharine      
Sugar (White) Saccharine

Mildly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Corn Tortillas Pancake Rye Bread Sprouted Bread Wheat Bread
Corn Tortillas Pancake Rye Bread Sprouted Bread Wheat Bread
Sourdough Bread White Bread White Biscuits Whole-meal Bread Spelt Bread
Sourdough Bread White Bread White Biscuits Whole-meal Bread Spelt Bread
Fats & Oil
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Mildly Alkaline
Canola Oil Corn Oil Avocado Oil Borage Oil Coconut Oil
Canola Oil Corn Oil Avocado Oil Borage Oil Coconut Oil
Cod Liver Oil Margarine Evening Primrose Oil Flax Seed Oil Marine Lipids
Cod Liver Oil Margarine Evening Primrose Oil Flax Seed Oil Marine Lipids
Sunflower Oil   Olive Oil Sesame Oil Udo’s Oil
Sunflower Oil   Olive Oil Sesame Oil Udo’s Oil
Mildly Acidic
Cheese Butter Cream Egg Whites Buttermilk
Cheese (All) Butter Cream Egg Whites Buttermilk
Eggs (Whole) Ice Cream Milk (Pasteurized) Sour cream Raw Milk
Eggs (Whole) Ice Cream Milk (Pasteurized) Sour cream Raw Milk
Yogurt (All)
Meat, Poultry & Fish
Highly Acidic
Highly Acidic
Bacon Beef Carp Chicken Clams
Bacon Beef Carp Chicken Clams>
Buffalo Canned Sardines Cod Duck Fresh Water Fish
Buffalo Canned Sardines Cod Duck Fresh Water Fish
Canned Tuna Lamb Liver Lobster Mussels
Canned Tuna Lamb> Liver Lobster Mussels
Organ Meat Pork Ocean Fish Oyster Pike
Organ Meat Pork Ocean Fish Oyster Pike
Sausage Turkey Rabbit Scallops Salmon
Sausage Turkey Rabbit Scallops Salmon
Venison Veal Tuna Shellfish Shrimp
Venison Veal Tuna Shellfish Shrimp
Beverages & Drinks
Beer Coffee Fruit Juice (Sweetened) Water (Sparkling) Fruit Juice (Natural)
Beer Coffee Fruit Juice (Sweetened) Water (Sparkling) Fruit Juice (Natural)
Liquor Soda / Pop Black Tea Wine Tea (Herbal, Green)
Liquor Soda / Pop Black Tea Wine
Tea (Herbal, Green)
      Water (Fiji, Evian)
Highly Acidic
Mildly Acidic
Mildly Alkaline
Candy Canned Foods Hummus Apple Cider Vinegar Baking Soda
Candy Canned Foods Hummus Apple Cider Vinegar Baking Soda
Chips Cereals Mushrooms Bee Pollen Goat Milk
Chips Cereals (Like Kelloggs) Mushrooms Bee Pollen Goat Milk
Cigarettes Microwaved Foods Rice Milk Royal Jelly Almond Milk
Cigarettes Microwaved Foods Rice Milk Royal Jelly Almond Milk
Drugs Miso Soy Milk Tempeh  
Drugs Miso Soy Milk
Pizza Popcorn Soy Protein Powde Tofu  
Pizza Popcorn Soy Protein Powder Tofu  
  Ketchup Whey Protein Powde    
Whey Protein Powder

  Soy Sauce      
  Soy Sauce

Feel free to share this acid alkaline list with your friends and family and help to protect their health.

Take a look at how your blood will look like when your body is alkaline – Acidic vs Alkaline Blood!


To download printable version, right click the link below and click “Save As” to download the chart.

Download printable Alkaline Food Chart here

275 Responses to “Alkaline Foods List”

  1. avatar


    17. Jun, 2014

    Thanks,It’s very useful

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    • avatar


      30. Sep, 2015

      Its very nice and use full …..thank you so much Dear….

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    • avatar


      19. Mar, 2016

      I have been sprinkling just a little baking soda on my coffee before it starts brewing and I also sprinkle a little on some of the foods that I know are acidic, doesn’t the baking soda neutralize the acid? either way the baking soda does no harm

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  2. avatar

    Nadine Stimak

    23. Jun, 2014

    If u cook ur veggies does it make them acidic?

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    • avatar


      28. Jan, 2016

      Had the same question myself. Is there any point in choosing alkaline foods if cooking reverses their chemistry anyway?

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  3. avatar


    03. Jul, 2014

    THANKS SO MUCH for this GREAT information !

    It would be really nice, if the list could be in poster/flyer form….
    I am sure other viewers would agree

    Reply to this comment
  4. avatar


    03. Jul, 2014

    I noticed figs and sardines are each show twice in the food list but each are in different categories.

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  5. avatar


    03. Jul, 2014

    Is goat milk kefir alkaline since goat milk is?

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  6. avatar

    Mike K C .

    05. Jul, 2014

    Wow, this is an eye opener indeed! Thank you so much for this comprehensive list.

    Reply to this comment
  7. avatar


    06. Jul, 2014

    Thank you so much for the list. I’ve been looking for a list like this. This is very helpful.

    Reply to this comment
  8. avatar

    Betty Durmeier

    12. Jul, 2014

    I am making homade kefir, I used almond milk which I see is OK, but I want to use raw or at least organic cows milk. Would that be acidic?

    Reply to this comment
  9. avatar

    Betty Durmeier

    13. Jul, 2014

    Don’t fully understand “note about ABC” Just wanted to recieve a reply concerning my question

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  10. avatar


    14. Jul, 2014

    I have cancer and have started drinking Alkaline water and try eating as much of Alkaline foods as I can.

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    • avatar


      08. Aug, 2014

      For my cancer I took MMS and Black Salve along with my alkaline foods no radiation no chemo today I am cancer free.

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  11. avatar

    Colleen Kelley

    15. Jul, 2014

    Could you please explain how the apple cider vinegar is alkaline? Thanks

    Reply to this comment
  12. avatar


    18. Jul, 2014

    Was just diagnosed with gastritis or bleeding ulcers – wondering if it’s diet… have never had stomach problems before this.
    I’ve quite coffee and tea and now looking towards a better diet… right course?@all

    Reply to this comment
  13. avatar


    20. Jul, 2014

    Excellent info! Thank-you!!

    That said, I did notice an error in the food chart (printable version). In the Meat/Poultry/Fish section the second to last line and third to last are mixed up. The rabbit picture is labeled as “Sardines” and the row that should have sardines, venison, shrimp is omitted, with the next page having just Tuna on it.

    Reply to this comment
  14. avatar

    Marlene Monday-Widner

    26. Jul, 2014

    how do I bookmark this?

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  15. avatar

    Adele Easton

    01. Aug, 2014

    My test came up highly acidic??? Been taking hcl with pepsin, digestive enzymes, unpasteurized saurkraut for 2.5 months. Most people take high doses of hcl but I did not go this route. Naturopath told me not to, my dose was only 2 capsules per meal. That said my acid is low.

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  16. avatar


    01. Aug, 2014

    Boy what an eye opener! at least 75-80 % of my diet is acidic. I guess it’s more fruits and veggies for me!

    Reply to this comment
  17. avatar


    09. Aug, 2014

    Thank you. That list is very help full.

    Reply to this comment
  18. avatar

    Gerry Pellerin

    20. Aug, 2014

    WOW awesome, .Thank you so much, never seen one as informative as this. You did a great job.

    Reply to this comment
  19. avatar

    martin willliams

    03. Sep, 2014

    thank you for your gifts

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  20. avatar


    04. Sep, 2014

    This does not leave very much to eat that is not acidic or alkaline, even as far as fruits and vegetables go, now does it? Might be easier to leave a what is good for you list. Nothing much.

    Reply to this comment
  21. avatar


    08. Sep, 2014

    Thanks – very helpful
    Do you sell this chart? It would use up all my inks to
    print it and I’d like to have a copy.

    Reply to this comment
  22. avatar

    Nancy Worley

    13. Sep, 2014

    I see I drink too much diet coke. I love it, It’s caff, free,
    Thanks so very much

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  23. avatar


    19. Sep, 2014

    Good Afternoon,
    do a person needs to eat more Akaline and no Acidic foods

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  24. avatar

    Dee S.

    04. Apr, 2015

    Thanks so much. Very informative.

    Reply to this comment
  25. avatar

    Ofodile Sopuluchi

    15. Apr, 2015

    Thank you so much for the information. I’ve really been killing myself with all manner of foods. believe me, i am taking my health and that of my finace to the next level.

    Reply to this comment
  26. avatar


    24. Apr, 2015

    Do we need some of both alkaline & acidic foods? I am trying to lose weight should I cut out acidic foods? I found the list of food & vegetables helps me a lot. Should I eat less of acidic foods and more of the alkaline foods?

    Reply to this comment
    • avatar


      26. Sep, 2015

      Been researching diet and nutrition for decades.
      For overall health and nutrition, alkaline is the way to go.

      Reply to this comment
  27. avatar


    24. Apr, 2015

    you eat highly Alkaline food same time eat highly acidic food kinda cancel each other?,

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  28. avatar

    barton boothe

    04. Jun, 2015

    I want to send this list to a bunch of people. I don’t see a way to forward this list.

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  29. avatar


    09. Jun, 2015

    Almost everything I eat is alkaline.
    With the exception of Brown Rice, brown rice syrup and maple syrup, and soy sauce/tamari and miso I eat mostly fruits , veggies, seeds and nuts.

    Reply to this comment
  30. avatar


    09. Jun, 2015

    Thank you.

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  31. avatar


    11. Jun, 2015

    It’s ver useful information.helps what to eat not to eat when acidity problem arise

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  32. avatar


    05. Jul, 2015

    Who ow, thanks for the information, really appreciate, would help as I am having a problem with too much acid in my tummy

    Reply to this comment
  33. avatar

    05. Jul, 2015

    Thank You, for me was so use full.

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  34. avatar

    sally wiebe

    06. Jul, 2015

    Having a multitude of problems, stomach, bowel, weight gain etc. Also, a main pain is lack of sleep. I’ll take any help I can get as I’m miserable, physically and mentally. Interesting chart, thanks for letting me see it.

    Reply to this comment
  35. avatar

    Paul Ferragamo

    12. Jul, 2015

    This is the first instruction of Acidic to Alkaline Foods that I have been made aware of. Thank you so much for this information, this is a great aid.

    Reply to this comment
  36. avatar


    21. Jul, 2015

    Thank you

    Reply to this comment
  37. avatar


    27. Jul, 2015

    incredible helpful!

    I love the chart, thanks


    Reply to this comment
  38. avatar


    27. Aug, 2015

    You have figs listed twice, once as highly alkaline and the second as just alkaline.

    Reply to this comment
  39. avatar

    Charles Cijoe

    06. Sep, 2015

    It’s quite informative and educative. My question is does it mean that diary,meat, poultry and fish categories are all acidic and if that is established, how do one eat them especially people with kidney stone like me for instance having kidney stone of 0.4cm by 0.5cm. Thanks.

    Reply to this comment
    • avatar


      10. Jan, 2016

      Apple cider vinegar will eliminate your stones and is alkaline.

      Reply to this comment
  40. avatar


    15. Sep, 2015

    Thank you! This may solve some of my stomach issues.

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  41. avatar


    18. Oct, 2015

    I think the body knows what to do with the foods we consume. No one food is any better than any other food. This acid-base balance method is best done by our bodies; our organs, enzymes, cell organelles are there for a reason–they know how to keep our bodies in the narrow pH range much, much better than what we know and eat at random. Why do you think there are so many types of diets out there? We don’t quite know what we do. Leave it alone!

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    • avatar


      10. Jan, 2016

      If you eat foods according to your blood type, then you don’t have to worry about to much.

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  42. avatar


    01. Nov, 2015

    Thank you!!! Your list has helped me make my shopping list a lot more healthier.

    Reply to this comment
  43. avatar


    18. Dec, 2015

    Hi can someone please answer me: How are we to eat all these healthy alkaline vegetables if once we cook them they become acidic??? apart from eating them raw and cold??

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  44. avatar


    22. Dec, 2015

    no way do I believe that oranges, lemons and limes are alkaline. Those are all very acidic fruits. what kind of a chart is this?????

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  45. avatar


    11. Jan, 2016

    Broccoli is in the highly alkaline list? But how come it’s a gas forming veggie?

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  46. avatar


    21. Jan, 2016

    Well I certainly won’t be bothering with this, most of the foods I enjoy (meat) is highly acidic. I think this whole thing is a just a rip off to con gullible people into purchasing whatever it is you are selling to bring their acid levels down. Especially as you included drugs and cigarettes as acidic, what kind of drugs? Heroin, Amphetamine or life saving drugs like insulin?

    Lost me with that one.

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  47. avatar


    22. Jan, 2016

    May the blessing you have provided to others be returned to you four fold.

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  48. avatar


    25. Jan, 2016

    Coolamundo!..thank you for this most informative list.

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  49. avatar


    27. Jan, 2016

    Aren’t some foods like lemons acidic outside the body, but alkalline within the body?

    Reply to this comment
  50. avatar


    29. Jan, 2016

    Thank you, very Interesting

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