Archive by Author

Organic Mixed Baby Greens With Dried Cranberries & Walnuts Salad
Posted on01. Oct, 2010 by George Tee.
Most of the time, it is very difficult to eat alkaline, especially with all the junk foods out there. Now, here’s a little tip that you could alkalize your body easily – Eat a bowl of salad before your meal You can easily buy a box of salad in any supermarket like the one on […]
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Garlic – Alkaline Superfoods?
Posted on14. Sep, 2010 by George Tee.
Who would have thought that garlic can be a very important crop for human beings despite its small size? Because of its manifold medicinal properties and health benefits, it has been considered a wonder drug by people around the world. This crop belongs to the Allium vegetable family which includes leeks, shallots, chives and onions. […]
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Discover the Neutralizing Power of Alkaline in Digestion
Posted on14. Sep, 2010 by George Tee.
Alkaline is one of the most helpful agents in keeping the smooth flow of the digestive system. Alkalinity can be associated to quality of life, longevity and health as well. When people hear the word acidity, it denotes sickness that can soon result to death. In order for you to know if you are acidic, […]
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Pesticides Linked To Major Diseases
Posted on31. Aug, 2010 by George Tee.
Pesticides are commonly used in agriculture intended for destroying or preventing any mitigating pests like insects, weeds, mollusks, plant pathogens, and any other types of microbes and organisms considered harmful to properties. Please take note that pesticides are not only limited to chemicals used in agriculture but also extended to household pesticides used at home […]
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Weight Loss Food Supplements Useless
Posted on13. Jul, 2010 by George Tee.
A recent German study shows that food supplements that claim to help you lose weight are basically useless. The experts say that people are wasting millions of pounds every year on weight loss or slimming pills that are only as good as a placebo effect. The German study, chose 9 popular supplements for example cabbage […]
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Simple Brown Rice With Vegetables Set
Posted on22. May, 2010 by George Tee.
Here’s another recipe I picked up from a popular organic restaurant over in Singapore. This is quite a simple meal set with some vegetables and organic brown rice. Ingredients: Organic brown rice Green Vegetables (any green vegetables are fine) Broccoli mixed with carrots, chestnuts, tulips Raw vegetables for the salad (on the top) – beetroot, […]
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Dragon Fruits – An Exotic Fruit for your Alkalizing Needs
Posted on20. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Its appearance alone is enough to rouse your curiosity. On the outside, it has a pinkish and somewhat red color. When you finally take a bite of its juicy goodness, you can see a tasty combination of white with tiny dotted black seeds. The taste? Not only will it create a whirling sensation in your […]
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Ginseng Helps You Live Longer
Posted on19. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Sometimes, you’ll come at a point where you literally can’t push yourself out of bed just by thinking of the stress and work that you’ll have to endure in the long day ahead. With the hustle and bustle of your daily life, it’s not surprising at all that one specific aspect of your life is […]
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Insightful Trip To Organic Farm
Posted on12. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Over the last weekend, I went for a trip to an organic farm to find out more about organic farming, health and dieting. This was a 3-day 2-night workshop and the organizers gave us a real-packed and fruitful learning experience. This organic farm is called TitiEco Farm Resort and it is located in Negeri Sembilan, […]
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Raw Cow’s Milk Facts – Good Or Bad?
Posted on07. Apr, 2010 by George Tee.
Earlier, our website has published an article on “The Truth About Milk That Companies Don’t Want You To Know”. There were a number of feedbacks and comments about the article especially when debating about whether raw milk is bad or beneficial for your health. As a result, this article is delving deeper into the topic […]
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Acupuncture – Is It Safe Or Dangerous?
Posted on31. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
Since 1970s when the US reestablished its affable relations with the People’s Republic of China, the practice of acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine has become generally acknowledged in Western countries. They adapt the practice particularly in the treatments for a variety of health conditions. However just recently, the editorial news of British Medical Journal made […]
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Cordyceps – The Ancient Herbal Remedy
Posted on30. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
Cordyceps. For now, you probably couldn’t care less about what it even is until you find out what it is capable of. Not only is it capable of alkalizing your body, it is also gaining popularity for the recent breakthroughs on research about cordyceps, a few of which include the treatment of cancer and the […]
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Lingzhi – Your Road to Immortal Health
Posted on26. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
Numerous people have shifted to natural alternatives in treating certain diseases or simply maintaining a good health. Either way, the herbal industry is living up to its name as an effective medical substitute to its chemical counterpart. One of the most effective herbal medicines is the Lingzhi mushroom. It is also known as Reishi, or […]
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The Hidden Truth About White Flour
Posted on13. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
The American Dietetic Association recommends 8 to 11 servings of white flour products daily. That’s not hard to follow at all, with the overwhelming number of mainstream white flour products in the market—from pretzels and bagels to pasta and gravy. However, were you even remotely aware that these white flour is just as unhealthy as […]
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The Myths About Soybean
Posted on02. Mar, 2010 by George Tee.
With the popularity of non-meat diets among many people, looks like soybean has been living up to its name as the number one choice for the vegetarian as well as health-conscious group. What is Soybean? Soybean is a species of legume native to the East Asia. Its plant has been widely used in China for […]
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The Truth About Meat – Why You Should Eat Less Meat
Posted on10. Feb, 2010 by George Tee.
You’ve been eating meat for a long time in your life, so I’m sure you’re not about to give up eating meat dishes all at once. I’m not about to tell you to. What I’m going to do instead is to explain why you should eat less of it for all the harms it can […]
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How Your Cooking Methods Affect Your pH Balance
Posted on28. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
Do you like your vegetables deep-fried or steamed? If you think about it, all three are the same. You’re eating vegetables—nothing could be healthier than that, right? On the contrary, there is a vast difference in these two cooking methods. In your cooking classes, you were probably taught how to do a variety of cooking […]
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Dined Out At A Organic Health Food Restaurant
Posted on18. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
Thanks Emma for letting me post this entry. My girlfriend and I decided to go back to our healthy dine out place which only have very Delicious organic food. I had bold the word “delicious” because it is the best food ever. It’s even tastier than most of the expensive food available. And the best […]
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The Caveman Diet vs The Alkaline Diet
Posted on12. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
It seems that modern lifestyle has created for us things that are more damaging that helpful. It’s no wonder why more and more diseases are plaguing mankind by the day. Our surroundings are heavily polluted that our bodies are flooded with toxins. Add to that poor eating habits made available by heavily-processed food items, and […]
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Alkaline Diet Recipes – Apple Ginger Tea
Posted on11. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
Nowadays, my grandmother often make ginger tea to aid in keeping her body warm and improving her digestive system. She is now over 70 years old and often, she encounters bloatedness. I may be young now, but if you are in your golden years, I’d guess that you would realize that sometimes, your body will […]
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To Eat or Not to Eat Fruits: Baring the Truth about Eating Fruits
Posted on09. Jan, 2010 by George Tee.
Have you ever heard of the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? If you have, then you probably think it’s more or less true. That’s the way it has been for many years now: we have been led to think that eating fruits is absolutely good for our health—until recently that […]